Whether you own a business or work anywhere, keeping cash in an extra safe place is extremely important to keep it protected from theft. If you depend on storing all the money at home, it becomes even more crucial to find a way to protect it. One of the best ways to protect it is a cash drop box. You can keep one at home or even at the cashier’s station. Know everything about what they are and how they work in this little guide.
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What are cash drop boxes?
Drop boxes or safes are just like any other safe manufactured to protect your cash and important documents from theft, sticky fingers, and springy eyes. Usually, these safes have a slot at either top or bottom or a large drawer. One of the best benefits of drop safes is that they allow your staff to deposit money without the threat of anyone stealing anything from the inside. Since the drawer or slot makes it possible to store money without opening the box, you are able to keep your belongings like cash and documents private. The access of the things inside is only with the person with whom you share the security password with.
How do cash drop safes work?
Cash boxes cannot be shifted from their location easily since they are either bolted to the wall or floors. So, it is not possible for the thieves to run away with the safe box if they plan anything like that. These safes are a great way to keep anyone from your staff, employees, or anyone you know to reach your cash and other valuables. You can protect your personal documents, keeping them away from anybody’s vision. Thieves cannot force open the cash lock boxes quickly, and your staff won’t be able to fish out the deposits from the box. Fortunately, the cash drop boxes have strong mechanisms that make them sealed from all over.
More often, businesses choose to store the safe box in the manager’s office. But for regular and small uses like groceries, using smaller safes at the cashier’s station can be a good idea. They are fast and easy to use and can make making deposits an easier process. Your cashier can easily slip the bills into the drop safe slot. This will even save your staff to keep the cash safe and keep the drawer empty at any hour of the day.
What size safe box do I need?
The size of the cash dropbox is decided according to the purpose you will use it for. If you are buying them to use at every register point, choose to buy smaller ones. For one single-use, you can choose to shop in a larger dropbox.
A larger cash drop box should work if you want to hide away all the documents and cash. Cash-only drop boxes do not need to be very large. If you are going to store documents and other stuff, make sure that it has enough accommodation space.
Also, consider the placement of the box; you want to keep it away from the sight of strangers.