We lead busy lives these days, which means we have less time to spend with those who matter most. Our loved ones get less attention from us than ever before, but there are ways to narrow the gap between work, hobbies, and family life. Here, we offer a few tips on spending more quality time with friends and family.
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Eating Together
Many kids—and quite a few adults, for that matter—don’t understand the significance of family meals. The connections these experiences build, however, can last a lifetime. Whether eating at a steakhouse or at home, it’s easier to offer encouragement and advice when sitting at a table filled with delicious food. When we listen to one another attentively, we show interest while instilling feelings of worthiness and trust in others.
Science shows that reading to kids leaves them with a lifelong thirst for knowledge, stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for language learning, and lengthens their attention spans. Look for age-appropriate books your kids would like to read and ask open-ended questions about what you’ve just read.
Household Chores
Successful households run on teamwork, and every member must do their part. Assigning chores to kids—and enlisting friends’ help when needed—is a great way to teach accountability, helpfulness, and responsibility. When everyone contributes, life goes more smoothly.
Helping With Schoolwork
Spend more time with friends and family by helping with tough schoolwork. Whether it’s a college student or a grade-schooler, others’ eagerness to lend a hand will lead them to show more interest and get better grades. Regular library trips are free, and the encouragement and help parents and family members provide are priceless.
Start a Project or Pick Up a Hobby
Friends and families can spend more time together by choosing fun and interesting activities. Hobbies like sports, fishing, cooking, and crafts are great ways to spend quality time together while acquiring new skills. Once we learn how to cast a line, crochet a blanket, or make a new recipe, there’s no telling how far we can go!
Have a Game Night
While technology has made online games popular—and realistic—there’s still a lot to be said for old-fashioned games. Mixing video games with cards and board games lets you demonstrate an interest in their hobbies while leaving plenty of time for conversation.
Plan Outings
Sometimes, we just need to get out of the house. Go for a drive without a destination, pack a picnic cooler, and go to the nearest state park. Play catch in the backyard, or ride bikes around the neighborhood. Finally, relaxing strolls and museum trips are the perfect opportunity for the one-on-one talks we all need sometimes.
Encourage Athleticism
Playing sports is good for the mind and the body, and finding time to learn new skills stimulates physical and emotional development. When families and friends play sports together—even if they do it badly—they learn how to cooperate and interact with one another.
Schedule It If Necessary
Because most of us have jam-packed schedules, time with loved ones often gets pushed to the bottom of the list. In these cases, it’s best to treat family time like another item to add to the calendar. By scheduling in advance, you’ll have more time to come up with fun, memorable, and family-friendly activities.
It Starts With You
These are just a few ways to prioritize spending time with friends and family. With communal meals, time spent reading, game nights, family chores, sports, and scheduling, you’ll carve out more time for the people who truly matter.