The healthcare industry is in dire straits today. The population is aging, patient demand is rising, and physicians are in short supply. As a result, more healthcare organizations are turning to locum tenens to fill staffing gaps, and this staffing segment continues to increase in popularity.
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Why Is This Option Popular with Medical Professionals?
Healthcare organizations recognize the importance of being aware of locum tenens trends today. They may need to call in these professionals and want to know where the segment stands. Locum tenens have excellent work-life balance, making this field appeal to people struggling with burnout and stress. They love that they have more practice opportunities, and the pay is enough to draw many people in. Most locum tenens make more than their peers who have permanent positions. How do healthcare organizations benefit from working with professionals who take on temporary positions?
How Do Healthcare Organizations Benefit From the Use of Locum Tenens?
Healthcare organizations are quickly learning that locum tenens can help them address staffing challenges and prevent gaps in care. While the organizations must pay these individuals a competitive salary, they see many benefits that significantly outweigh the costs.
An organization can hire locum tenens when patient demand rises, or a staff member is out and release these individuals when their services are no longer needed. They don’t have to bear the burden of onboarding the locum tenens or offer them benefits and perks. Healthcare organizations can overcome unexpected staffing challenges quickly and easily by turning to these professionals for help.
An organization may integrate locum tenens into its teams for short-term coverage, such as when several staff members fall ill simultaneously. The organization can continue providing excellent care without disrupting patients by bringing in these medical professionals.
Some locum tenens also take on long-term placements, such as when an organization has a professional leave and must start hiring. This process can drag on, as the organization works to find the right person for the open position. The locum tenens allows the organization to care for all patients without rushing the hiring process.
Healthcare organizations must be able to adapt to changing conditions. It is difficult to predict when healthcare facilities will see increased demand. Employing locum tenens gives these facilities optimal staffing levels regardless of changing conditions.
Employee Satisfaction
Locum tenens positively impact employee satisfaction. These temporary workers reduce the workload of permanent employees while lowering their stress. The 2024 Physician Compensation Report highlights the importance of relieving permanent staff members. Four out of five physicians report feeling overworked, and the locum tenens ease the burden on them. When a physician has temporary coverage, they can recharge and do things they love. Their work-life balance improves, and they can focus on other responsibilities. The use of locum tenens leads to a positive and sustainable work culture.
Cost Effective
Healthcare organizations must recognize locum tenens are cost-effective in the long run. The organization won’t bear onboarding costs and can fill staffing gaps rapidly. When the organization provides continuity of care, the risk of patients leaving to go to another organization decreases, and overtime costs for permanent employees decrease.
The organization isn’t responsible for payroll taxes, insurance, or retirement benefits. The locum tenens are independent contractors, so they are accountable for these things. When locum tenens are used to fill staffing holes, the organization’s administrative burden is reduced.
Every healthcare organization should consider locum tenens to address staffing shortages without creating new issues. This field is thriving, and more professionals are moving to locum tenens work today. Healthcare organizations must ensure open clinical positions are filled or face revenue loss. Filling these open positions with locum tenens until permanent replacements can be found is wise.