In the US alone there are as many as 125 million coin collectors. Collecting coins is more than just a fun hobby. There may be real value in the coins you have collected depending on certain factors.
Collectible coins may hold value depending on their demand, design, and history. If you collect coins, it is a good idea to get them valued by an expert.
Find out more about collectible coins and what gives them their value below.
Table of Contents
They’re in Demand
Within the world of coin collection, demand often dictates value. If there are few pieces of a collectible coin remaining, you can bet that there will be a bidding war for it if it comes to auction.
For example, the St Gaudens gold coin is always in high demand. This stunning gold coin boasts a rich history, making it one of the most in-demand collectible coins available today.
The Condition The Coin is in
Condition always has a huge bearing on the coin’s value. Collectors want pieces that are rich in color and tone, not cracked or broken, and have not faded or been damaged over time.
The Coin’s Mintage
If a particular coin was not originally made in huge volumes, or if the coin is now quite scarce, it will hold value. A low mintage means that the coin is not widely available, and this makes it hugely valuable for collectors.
The mintage of the St Gaudens gold coin is one of the reasons it holds such value. Minted in the 1920s, there are as little as 2000 left today.
The Coin’s History
The history and age of a coin can play a huge part in determining its value. If some significant story surrounds the coin’s creation, then many collectors will be interested in purchasing it.
If a coin is very old, it is also likely that there are fewer available to collect. This also pushes value up and makes collectors interested in finding and buying a coin.
The Coin’s Unique Design
A unique coin design certainly drives the value of a coin up. A design can show off the history of a coin, where it came from originally, and what it was created to celebrate.
Older coins can transport a collector back to a particular period in history, telling them what was important to coin creators of the time. Some coins have had beautiful designs on them throughout the past, and this is a valuable feature for collectors.
The stunning design of the St Gaudens gold coin gives this collector’s piece much of its value. It features an image of a gold eagle, representing freedom, power, and dignity.
Many Collectible Coins are Seriously Valuable
Some collectible coins are worth a lot more than you may think. If you’re lucky enough to own a rare coin, it’s worth getting it appraised to find out how much you could make from selling it.
From the design to the demand, there are many factors that increase a coin’s worth.
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