It can be a challenge to make a small kitchen look great but also ensure it stays functional. However, when you plan ahead and think carefully about the elements you want to add, you can often find that you can do more than you realize you could.
One thing that is important to consider is your countertop. This might not seem to be a crucial element of your kitchen, but when you only have a small space to work with, it could make or break your design. With that in mind, read on to find out more about how to choose the right kitchen countertop for a small space.
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Think About The Color
One of the best ways to make sure your small kitchen looks and even feels bigger is to use light colors, which is particularly important for your countertop. Look at the various options available from Legacy Countertops, and you’ll quickly see that there are many countertops to choose from, making the color an easy thing to get right.
Ideally, it would be best if you chose a light-colored countertop to make the most of a small space. The lighter colors will reflect more light, whereas darker colors will absorb the light and make the room much darker as a result; this will make it feel smaller. More light will make the room feel more spacious, even if it’s small.
Think About The Size And Shape
When you are thinking about the kind of countertop you’ll need for your smaller kitchen, you’ll need to consider the size and shape of the space you’re working on. A narrow kitchen means you should get a thinner countertop that isn’t as wide as some options can be – this will give you more room in a literal sense, but it offers a good optical illusion of more space as well.
You might want to try different countertop sizes if you have a different-shaped room, such as a square kitchen. This would give you room to do your food prep but also more space to move around, depending on what you choose to put where.
Think About A Seamless Look
If you want to make your kitchen look a little larger than it is, optical illusions like the one mentioned above can be a great idea. One that often works well is to choose seamless countertops. Rather than bringing attention to the breaks in your kitchen, this gives you the feeling that the space goes on and on – or at least a little longer than you would think otherwise.
If you choose a material like granite, marble, or quartz, you should be able to have a kitchen counter with no seams or very few (it will depend on the shape and exact size of your kitchen).
Think About The Maintenance
When you’re thinking about the kind of kitchen countertop that will work best in a small space, don’t just think about how it will look and what effect it will offer; you need to think in terms of practicalities as well.
Maintenance is an important factor to bear in mind. Some countertops are easier to take care of than others, and if you are already working in a small space, a material that has to be regularly treated or cleaned in a special way may not be ideal – it will be easier to find a countertop you can simply wipe down.