The clammy and musty aroma of a house shut up for the winter assails us all when we come home from work. We can spray all the air freshener we want, use up boxes of baking soda, and vacuum our hearts out, but that house-shut-up smell just won’t go away. The expertise of a carpet cleaning company like Go Carpet Cleaning is what we need.
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That Musty Smell Origin
When a house is locked up with no air circulation, then a stale smell pervades the area. When the carpet and rugs are wet from the slush of ice melt, snow, and icy rain, then that stale smell turns into a moldy one.
Different styles of rugs to bring the room together like this might only get deep cleaned in the spring. Homeowners might sprinkle some baking soda, spray vinegar, and then vacuum up the residue to get rid of that smell. The snag to that is that if moisture is getting into the structure, the homeowner could require mold remediation before a carpet cleaning company like Go Carpet Cleaning removes the odor.
How Do The Rugs Contract This Odor?
Carpet and rug fibers are twisted deep down into the rug. Dirt and stains deep down can’t be reached by ordinary cleaning methods or solutions. The newly cleaned carpet or rug will smell fresh for a while, but the cause of the odor will still be there deep in the rug.
That’s where the experts enter the picture. They know how to get the individual fibers to give up their dirt, and gain a better smell, and glow for their owners.
Professional Cleaning And Natural Fiber Rugs
Natural fiber rugs such as sisal, jute, hemp, bamboo, and wool will be damaged if they become wet. Shampooing or otherwise cleaning a natural fiber rug with a wet solution is the wrong thing to do. Dry cleaning would be a good idea if the rug is small enough.
There are a number of dry powder preparations on the market for use on natural fiber rugs. Sprinkle it on, let it sit for an hour, and vacuum it up. Baking soda as well as laundry detergent have been suggested as viable cleaning solutions. Professionals use much the same formula, except with proprietary ingredients.
Frequency Of Professional Carpet And Rugs Cleaning
Homeowners should understand that dirt, grit, and bacteria get into the fibers of carpets or different styles of rugs to bring the room together that they use. These make a carpet look dull and smell bad over a period of time. Vacuuming two to three times per week helps, but homeowners should have their carpets and rugs professionally cleaned once per year.
High-traffic areas and moist areas like bathrooms and laundry rooms should receive the most attention. Dirt build-up and mildew will be higher in these areas. Your carpets and rugs should receive professional attention if you have:
- Kids
- Pets
- Many visitors such as business associates or customers in a home business
- Family and friends who drop in a lot
Final Thoughts
That house-shut-up smell can be alleviated with a little forethought and the services of a carpet cleaning company like Go Carpet Cleaning. Between professional cleanings, homeowners might vacuum two to three times per week to keep it clean and fresh-smelling.