If you have a garden craving some extra nourishment, you may have wondered about the difference between granular and liquid fertilizers, considering which one is the best spring fertilizer for your plants this year. Well, we’ve got all the information you need to make an informed decision. When choosing the right fertilizer for your specific needs and circumstances, whether the granular or liquid formula is best depends on various factors such as climate, soil type, and more.
In this blog post, we’ll walk through everything from how these two types of spring fertilizers differ to when they should be used to help get your garden off to its strongest start possible.
Let’s dive into the details of the best spring fertilizer for your needs.
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Why Fertilize Your Lawn In The Springtime
Fertilizing your lawn in the spring is important because the soil loses essential nutrients during the winter. Fertilizer helps with root growth, establishes new grass seedlings, reinforces existing grass, and creates an environment where weeds cannot thrive.
Reasons To Choose Granular Fertilizer
Granular fertilizer is a great choice for those who want to feed their lawn slowly over time. The granules release nutrients gradually as they break down in the soil, giving your grass a steady food supply throughout the season. This fertilizer also lasts longer than liquid fertilizer, so you don’t have to reapply as often. Plus, granular fertilizer is easily spread evenly across your lawn with a broadcast or drop spreader.
Reasons To Use Liquid Fertilizer
Liquid fertilizer is ideal for those who want quick results from their fertilizing efforts. The nutrients are released immediately when applied, so you can see results immediately without waiting for them to break down in the soil as with granular fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer also works well on newly seeded areas since it can penetrate deeper into the soil than granules can, helping new seedlings get off to a good start.
Best Ways To Apply Both Types Of Fertilizers
When applying either type of the best spring fertilizer, following instructions carefully and using protective gear such as gloves and goggles if necessary is important. For granular fertilizers, use a broadcast spreader or drop spreader set at the recommended rate for your type of grass and area size.
Then walk back and forth across your lawn until all areas are covered evenly with product. For liquid fertilizers, use a hose-end sprayer set at the recommended rate, then spray back and forth across your lawn until all areas are covered evenly with the product (make sure not to overspray onto sidewalks or other hard surfaces).
Tips For Storing Unused Fertilizers Properly
It’s always best practice to store unused fertilizers properly after each application so they don’t become contaminated or lose their effectiveness over time due to exposure to moisture or sunlight (which breaks down some types of nitrogen). Store liquid products in tightly sealed containers away from direct sunlight; store dry products in airtight containers away from moisture sources such as sinks or toilets; and keep all products out of reach of children and pets.
Investing In The Best Spring Fertilizer: Wrap Up
The best spring fertilizer really depends on your specific needs. Whether you choose granular or liquid spring fertilizer for your lawn this year, following these tips will help ensure that your grass gets off on the right foot this season.
You can enjoy a lush green lawn all summer long with proper care and maintenance throughout the year. We hope you found these lawn-caring tips to be helpful and thanks so much for reading.