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Can You Instill Judaica Designs Into Your Home If You’re Not Jewish?
One of the most popular home design trends in 2023 is the infusion of different cultures and nationalities. While you can ordinarily do this without any concern, when it comes to Israeli designs – which are some of the most beautiful in the world – most come in the form of Judaica-inspired décor.
If you are not a member of the Jewish faith, therefore, it’s easy to think that you might be doing something wrong. Is it acceptable, for instance, to utilize a piece of Judaica design simply because it is aesthetically beautiful?
The Question Of Judaica Designs
First off, it is important to note that even if you are not Jewish, the values of the Jewish faith might be applicable to you. These are the values of integrity, respect, kindness, compassion, family, and community.
A lot of the time, these values are depicted in the Judaica designs themselves, which means that – although you are not a member of the faith – you can still glean inspiration on a deeper level than simply aesthetics.
Judaica designs also hold a historical significance. When it comes to the trend of inserting different cultures into your décor, it is mostly done to give your home a sense of timelessness, amplified by the historical significance of the designs included.
As one of the oldest religions in the world, Judaism has a number of designs that are steeped in history and can give both a symbolic and authentic feel to any home.
Yes, you might not be a member of the faith, but if you pick your products wisely and relate to the virtues that they symbolize and the historical significance that they hold, then there’s nothing stopping you from instilling Judaica designs into your own household.
If you would like to get started, here are three of the most popular décor choices and how they might work for you:
The Hamsa is one of the most recognizable Jewish designs, but it is worn as jewelry and utilized as décor in millions of households around the world. This is because the meaning of the hamsa is to ward off evil and bring on good luck – something that anyone can relate to, no matter what their religion.
Light and candles play a very important part in the Jewish religion, which is part of the reason why so many of the designs are so intricately thought-out and created. Many shabbat candlesticks, for instance, are often designed in a way that sets them apart from the average tabletop candle. They are special, and there’s nothing stopping you from recognizing their beauty and including them in your own interior design if they feel special to you too.
Another aspect of Judaica design that is popular in Jewish and non-Jewish households alike is the artwork. Specifically, artwork created and inspired by members of the Jewish faith. A lot of the time, these pieces of art can take the form of typically Jewish scenes or societal references, but the meaning behind them can relate to everyone. It’s all in the eye of the beholder, and when it comes to Judaica in general, that’s the most important thing when it comes to formulating your own interior design.