One Man Punch is a Japanese animated series. It features a hero, Santama, who wins against all the villains by just a single punch. He is the main protagonist, with the main antagonist being Genos.
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One-Man Punch Season 2 Release date
Season 1 of the trailer was released in 2015 and was only accessed via Netflix two years later. Season 2 was released on Hulu in the USA on 9th April in 2019. It was later in the year viewed on Tubi in Canada and Amine lab, which is in Australia and New Zealand.
Going by the release of the first season on Netflix, then this is the prediction: season 2 will be released on Netflix in 2021.
One Punch Man Season 2 Dub Release Date
Dub is already released. One Punch Man season 2 English dub is available on web.
Fan’s Opinion about the Trailer
Based on the reviews of those who have already watched the trailer, fans are not that impressed. The animation and plot are less compelling in comparison to the first season.
To top it up, the last season did not have the lasting impact a previous season should have. Fans should be left with a long for next season, but this season totally blew it off.
However, fans still admit that the trailer is still an exquisite one to watch. This is seen in their conspicuous hunger for the third season. Let’s hope it will address the disappointments Season 2.
Would We Be Seeing New Characters?
Yes. There are a few new characters in the movie, spicing it off. However, most first season characters are still dominating the second season. This is especially so with the main characters.
Episodes in One Punch Man Season 2
For the sake of fans awaiting the season on Netflix, below are some of the episodes you should look forward to:
- Arts tournament.
- The monster uprising.
- The Class S heroes.
- The resistance of the strong.
- The troubles of the strongest.
- Justice under siege.
- The varieties of pride.
- Cleaning of the disciple’s mess.
Is There Any Release News About Third Season?
Yes, in a tweet by the Viz Media admins, there is a probability of having One Man Punch released pretty soon. The latest it will probably be broadcasted will be early 2021.
Parting Shot
Though the second season of One Man Punch has been highly criticized, fans still admit that this is one of the most exciting animations. Animations, relationships, and rivalries have been blended to bring out an exquisite piece.