Lena Kelly interviewed Ella Hollywood. She asked lots of questions during an interview. So, let’s read the interview which is given below –
Lena Kelly: Welcome to trance confessions.
We have the ever so adorable Oh Hollywood with us today. How are you?
Ella Hollywood: I’m wonderful.
Lena Kelly: that’s good. it’s good to meet you. It’s my first time meeting you and I’m sure a lot of people have seen you. You’ve been kind of making the rounds in the TS porn world and I’m sure, a lot of people are very interested to hear a little bit about your life so let’s talk.
Ella Hollywood: All right
Lena Kelly: where you from and how old are you?
Ella Hollywood: I’m from California and I’m 19. Local born and raised
Lena Kelly: Very cool that’s awesome modes like growing up in California.
Ella Hollywood: Expensive
Lena Kelly: yeah
Ella Hollywood: The weather is wonderful as everybody talks about and it’s a fun place to live.
Lena Kelly: So, you had a good upbringing when do you um now we talked a little bit before hand because this interview is a little bit different than the other ones we’ve done. You consider yourself non-binary.
Ella Hollywood: Yeah, in my personal life I’m pretty androgynous, pretty switchy. You know I just try and present myself as Who I am.
Lena Kelly: And we say that how do you mean like won’t present yourself as who you are that means you go back and forth.
Ella Hollywood: A little bit I’d say I go by them mostly but when I’m doing porn as you can see I’m super feminine and super cutesy and stuff like that because it’s sort of a character that I play.
Lena Kelly: So, it’s the very feminine look is looking act for you for transform sort of
Ella Hollywood: I’d say so. Yeah, maybe it’s a bit it’s a bit performative but you know it’s cute.
Lena Kelly: When did you start doing this?
Ella Hollywood: I started doing cam Gerling stuff the day I turned 18 but I didn’t start doing professional shoots until recently in December.
Lena Kelly: And how do you like it?
Ella Hollywood: I really enjoy it here mostly because I enjoy attention. I’m having a really great time meeting all these wonderful people and you know it’s a fun fun job to do. It’s pretty much everything that I had as an option.
Lena Kelly: And what were those options before
Ella Hollywood: I was an artist assistant actually for a long time for six months I was living in LA and doing a gilding for an artist so I
would make things gold.
Lena Kelly: Oh that’s so cool.
Watch this video for rest of the interview.